Saturday, May 28, 2016

After creating project we need to create user roles. We can create user roles in Testlink and Assign them to users who are going to be part of whole SDLC cycle .  We can create different roles and assign different permission to access Testlink . Like , Business admin , Developer, tester , manager, customer. Etc. so  user with respected role will be able to access only those thing for which role is created.  Now we will look in detail "How to create user roles in Testlink "

Click on user role menu form Testlink menu . It will redirect you to "User Management" page in Testlink 
By default you will see only one user as Admin. We will see in next session about "How to create user in Testlink". Click on "View Roles" . It will display you existing user roles 

Click on Create button 

Enter role name and assign access for role. Enter role description and click on save button . It will create new role. We can use this role to assign any specific user. If you don't want to create new customer then you can use existing roles also or you can modify existing roles . 


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